Crypto Mining – PPLNS or PPS rewards ?

PPLNS / PPS PPLNS is a way of determining how many cryptocoins you get for your shares completed. This method of calculating payouts includes a “luck” factor. Using PPLNS your payout per share will have a large range (30% more or less on your payouts), but on average, PPLNS earns more than PPS (by 5% … Read more

How many coins per month

So in this post i will show you how you can get a grand total monthly of your miner profits for stats and for supervising the production and overall get more info about your ops.

The first thing you have to do is go to your wallet transactions sections and select a time period available in the combo box like today – last month – last week, then you can export that to a cvs file that you can manipulate.

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How do I protect my bitcoin

So a lot a people is asking me about how to protect their cryptos assets, i will tell you in this post all i am doing to take care of my Satoshis.

Ok, so the first thing you need is a computer a formal one that means no smartphones, no laptops, no ledgers nanos you need a tower desk computer that act as server.

The computer must have new parts if you are going to hold 0.5 BTC you don’t want to hold it in a old hard drive buy a new one.

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WhatsApp, Facebook e Instagram vuelven a fallar a nivel mundial

Las redes sociales presentan problemas de carga en varios países desde las 14:00 (hora de Argentina).

Las populares redes sociales Whatsapp, Facebook e Instagram, todas ellas propiedad de Facebook, han vuelto a fallar y presentan problemas de carga a nivel mundial, según reportan los usuarios de Downdetector.

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Postgres: file -> Bytea

Antes que nada, creamos una tabla en la Base de datos:


prueba=# create table archivo (Id serial, Nombre varchar(20), Tipo varchar(20), Contenido bytea, primary key (Id));

Luego hay que crear un formulario sencillo HTML:

 <form action="dato_image.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
           <tr> <td>
               <label for="archivo">Busque El archivo</label> </td>
               <input type="file" name="archivo" size="20"> </td></tr>
                <input type="submit" value="cargar archivo"></td></tr></table>    </form>

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Owncloud 10 fixing warnings

No memory cache has been configured This issue can take a bit more time and decision making based on what memory cache you use. It is all well documented here. In my case I went with the recommended APCu solution. First I installed APCu with sudo apt-get install php-apcu Then you should restart your web … Read more

some resources —————–Fonts——————————– —————tracker—————————- —————–Theme xfce———————- Facebook0Twitter0Reddit0Linkedin0Stumbleupon0 X

Using pyinotify to Monitor a Website and send alarms

Hello there now i will teach you how to monitor a website files to track and react to any type of events like a MOD or a DELETE or WRITE event in those files you can expand  the python code to make it better for example you can create a routine that writes the log into a file this way the tutorial wont require stdbuf for sending output to the log anyways here we go hope it helps you:

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Review code for patterns

grep -rnw “/some/path” -e “exec(” | grep -v .js grep -rnw “/some/path” -e “system(‘” | grep -v .js grep -rnw “/some/path” -e “passthru(‘” | grep -v .js grep -rnw “/some/path” -e “highlight_file” | grep -v .js grep -rnw “/some/path” -e “proc_open” | grep -v .js Facebook0Twitter0Reddit0Linkedin0Stumbleupon0 X

Clean php.ini

sed -e ‘/^;/d’ -e ‘/^$/d’ /etc/php.ini > /home/your-user/NEW_PHP.ini Facebook0Twitter0Reddit0Linkedin0Stumbleupon0 X

Apache status module setup

Load the module LoadModule status_module modules/ for Apache 2.2: <IfModule mod_status.c> <Location /server-status> SetHandler server-status Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from localhost ip6-localhost </Location> ExtendedStatus On </IfModule> for Apache 2.4: <IfModule mod_status.c> <Location /server-status> SetHandler server-status <RequireAny> Require local Require ip </RequireAny> </Location> ExtendedStatus On </IfModule> Facebook0Twitter0Reddit0Linkedin0Stumbleupon0 X