Jhipster is an application that allows yo to create Java based Websites and other things, to install Jhipster framework in your computer execute:
npm install -g generator-jhipster
mkdir myApp && cd myApp
yo jhipster
./mvnw spring-boot:run
This will compile the java application and if is successful it will display something like this:
Application ‘jhipster’ is running! Access URLs:
Use your browser to get into the URL, it will present you with the following:
Also after run the application review the database content :
new=# \d
Listado de relaciones
Esquema | Nombre | Tipo | Dueño
public | databasechangelog | tabla | postgres
public | databasechangeloglock | tabla | postgres
public | hibernate_sequence | secuencia | postgres
public | jhi_authority | tabla | postgres
public | jhi_persistent_audit_event | tabla | postgres
public | jhi_persistent_audit_event_event_id_seq | secuencia | postgres
public | jhi_persistent_audit_evt_data | tabla | postgres
public | jhi_user | tabla | postgres
public | jhi_user_authority | tabla | postgres
public | jhi_user_id_seq | secuencia | postgres
(10 filas)
As a note i can tell you to verify your bower packages and your .bowerrc file, plus install JAVA8 (JDK / JRE ) to ensure the proper work of the framework. In the next post we will explain how to configure the DEV profile of a Jhipster application to connect to Postgresql Database. See you later.